ГБОУ «Пять сторон света». Внеклассное занятие. 6 класс
Казимагомедова Н.А. 2013-2014 уч. год
Ход мероприятия
- Организационныймомент.
Teacher: – Hello, dear friends! We are glad to see you! There will be a quiz game “Sports in our life”.
– Well, let’s begin!
- Речевая зарядка.
During this game we shall talk about different kinds of sport and about famous sportsmen. The jury will estimate the teams and put the points for each competition.
- Первый конкурс “Guess the sport” (“Угадай вид спорта”).
Chief: – Listen the rule: you will see the certain kind of sport in our screen and write down them in your papers. The names of the sports must be written in correct form. Each correct name of sport will be estimate like one point.
На экране по очереди появляются картинки следующих видов спорта:
Football Volleyball Chess Tennis Basketball Hockey Snowboarding Surfing Skiing Swimming Diving
- Второйконкурс “Match the words” (“Соединить слова”).
Chief: – Your task is to match the words and translate them.
Keep fit Молочные продукты
To feel bad Эмблема соревнования
Dairy products Богатый витаминами
To keep to a diet Быть в хорошей форме
An emblem of the competition Придерживаться диеты
Good for heart Плохо себя чувствовать
Regular exercises Полезно для сердца
Rich in vitamins Регулярные упражнения
To take temperature Измерять температуру
- Третий конкурс “What sports they are” (“Какой вид спорта”).
Chief: – Now I shall give you descriptions of some kinds of sport and your task is to listen and say what sports they are. Translate the sentences.
It is a game for two or four players who hit a ball with rackets across a net. (tennis)
A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of players kick it. They are not allowed to handle the ball. (football)
It is a team game played with oval ball. (rugby)
It is a game played on a table using round wood bats and a small plastic ball. (ping-pong)
- Четвертыйконкурс “Friendly numbers” (“Веселые цифры”)
Chief: – There is a chain of numbers; your task is to decode the words using the alphabet and translate them.
19, 16, 15, 18, 20, 19, 13, 1, 14. (sportsman)
15, 12, 25, 13, 16, 9, 3 7, 1, 13, 5, 19. (Olympic games)
23, 18, 5, 19, 20, 12, 9, 14. (wrestling)
- Пятый конкурс “How do we call people who…” (“Как называются люди, которые…”).
Chief: – How do we call people who:
Play football (footballer or football player)
Tennis (tennis player)
Go swimming (swimmer)
Jumping (jumper)
Running (runner)
Windsurfing (surfer)
- Седьмой конкурс “Guess the famous sportsmen” (“Угадай знаменитых спортсменов”).
Chief: – You’ll see the famous sportsmen on the screen. Your task is to guess who they are.
На экране по очереди появляются фотографии следующих спортсменов:
Динара Сафина
Игорь Акинфеев
Илья Ковальчук
Девид Бэкхэм
Алина Кабаева
Андрей Аршавин
- Восьмойконкурс. Вопросы ведущего.
– Well, now answer my questions:
What kinds of sports are popular in Russia?
Are you against or for sports and why?
Is sport important for you?
What’s your favorite kind of sport?
Do you prefer active kinds of sports or passive?
Chief: – If you have good health you are in a good mood. We must eat fruits and vegetables; of course go in for sports.
Награда нашла победителя!
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